Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Getting Started!

I can't believe this is all happening so quickly, but I went to orientation last night and I will officially be a cosmetology student starting next Tuesday.

Last night we filled out lots of paper work - plenty of initaling and signing - and finalized our enrollment. We went over the rules and regulations for the school, and we even have a test on them on our first day of class! And, the most exciting part, we got our schedule! In complete detail, it's the order of everything we're going to learn, from hygiene to cutting to styling to chemical processes.

I'm washing my scrubs today to make them a little softer, when we got them last night they were stiff and starchy! I'm looking forward to wearing them, it's definitely easier than picking out a cute outfit every morning before work.

All in all, it will take me 18 months to finish the program. I haven't been this excited about something in a long time and I can't wait to get started :)